
Date Released: December 3rd, 2024

This was made for Minecraft Version: 1.21.50+

No Experimental Toggles are needed

This change excludes the Quickaxe, it is planned to make it dyeable in the future

When crouching; Cassette's will now queue the music instead of playing it immediately

Cube Cosmetic will now be rendered properly with character creator skins

Windzooka & Blazooka's particles no longer spawn at the bottom of the player

Adjusted Overworld Ore's break times to better match vanilla ores

With This if you are not using a pickaxe (or an item with the minecraft:is_pickaxe tag) the block will be much slower to break

Blocks in the construction tab are now more organized

Haxel's Interact Ability has been reworked

  • Will now take durability proportional to the number of blocks broken

    • this also means the Haxel will not take durability when no blocks were broken

  • Now works with the Silk Touch enchantment

  • only if you have Silk Touch: only the blocks you break will get pulled to you

  • Will no longer target blocks below if you are standing on a partial block

    • example: standing on soul sand will no longer break the blocks below you, but standing on a bottom-half slab will still break blocks on that level

  • Can no longer break:

Ban Hammer is still able to break bedrock & liquids (you will need silk touch to obtain them)

Melons now take longer to break [0.4s -> 1.5s]

Pale Ocelots spawn less often [Weight: 10 -> 5]

Adjusted Stone Armor:

  • Helmet:

    • Armor: 2 -> 1

    • Durability: 128 -> 105

  • Chestplate:

    • Armor: 4 -> 3

    • Durability: 203 -> 142

  • Leggings:

    • Armor: 4 -> 2

    • Durability: 188 -> 137

  • Boots:

    • Armor 2: -> 1

Adjusted Wood Armor

  • Chestplate:

    • Armor: 3 -> 2


  • Godly Armor

  • Demonic Armor

  • Nebula Armor

  • Knightling Helmet

  • Cassette - Mice on Venus

Top-Half slabs will now combine into double slabs properly

  • You need silk touch now because of the rework

Boss Events now work differently

  • you can now enable/disable bosses you want to spawn

  • you can now change the weight (chance) that they will spawn

    • a chance of 0 will also disable that one from spawning

  • you can now change how often the boss events are triggered

All Items now have the addon's name (PFE) below it


The Cassette's track name will now show up below the "Cassette"


This does not apply to the cassettes for vanilla music discs as they already have a similar thing (due to the minecraft:record component), this does unfortunately mean it will not show up below the item's name when holding it in your hand

Books inside the Ruined Tower will now be translated

⚙️ Technical Changes ⚙️

Made several changes to improve addon compatibility

Added the following tags to the Haxel's break list:

  • minecraft:is_hoe_item_destructible

  • minecraft:is_shovel_item_destructible

  • minecraft:is_axe_item_destructible

  • minecraft:is_pickaxe_item_destructible

Last updated