Boss Event Config Menu
Identifier: poke:boss_event_config

Interact Ability: Opens the Boss Event Config UI
Stack Size: 64


This Item currently cannot be obtained in survival
Boss Event Config UI
This Menu can be accessed with the Boss Event Config Menu Item even without operator
It is planned for this will require operator if/when that functionality is no longer experimental
Additional Options
Boss Event Timing
Controls how often a boss event will trigger
Settings will not save unless you click the "Save Settings" Button
This setting will only apply after script has been re-initialized
For Worlds:
leave & rejoin the world
use the
For Realms:
close & reopen the realm
have everyone leave for a few minutes (this usually is a lot easier said than done though lol)
Reset To Default
Resets the settings to default
even if the default changes & you had not changed the settings; you will need to reset to default to apply those changes
Go Back
Return to the Main Menu
Last updated