Last updated
Last updated
PFE v1.2.71 & PFE v1.2.72 were hotfixes, there changes have been merged into this changelog
PFE also has a new versioning scheme 1.[major].[minor][beta/hotfix]
(was 1.[major].[minor].[beta] -H[hotfix])
This means v1.2.73 is the 3rd hotfix/beta update of the PFE v.1.2.7/v1.2.8 cycle
Also new changelog catagory icons
This was made for Minecraft Version: 1.21.60
No experimental toggles are required
All PFE Spawn Eggs that used the default spawn egg texture
not all are finished just yet
you will need to kill & replace those Traders to fix the trades
In some cases, this caused block(s) to ignore the blacklist even if it showed the block as being in the blacklist
Existing Haxel's blacklist will be automatically updated when using them next
this is to improve compatibility & does not have an impact on gameplay